The World in Large Format: Munich photowalk

join me for an impromptu large format photo walk along the river isar in munich.

I went out for an impromptu photowalk one weekend months ago (I think March or April) just after I got my Linhof back from the factory, although I have only got around to putting this post up now. I was out with a fellow large format Munich friend and we decided to go shoot around the river Isar that goes right through the centre of Munich. The weather was a bit flat but we did the best with what we had. All shot on the trusty Fomapan 100 4x5 sheet film.

I had my camera fully serviced by Linhof and this was the first outing with it afterwards, everything working smoothly and a brand new ground glass too!

The final shot - it was quite overcast and the lighting was generally a bit flat so I found it hard to expose for to find any decent contrast, however I quite like the composition.

Shot in the bright noon sun, funny I actually like the negative more than the final image. The cool thing about 4x5 negatives is that they are so huge they are photographs in their own right!

Getting ready for the shot. I am really happy with the final shot although I did crop it a bit (cheating!). It was a fairly long exposure so you can see some blur in the cyclists, which I quite like.

Setting up for another shot. The negative view was taken a lot closer and lower to the ground than this first shot.

I am really happy with this final shot, the log in the foreground came out very well and is super sharp. I like how it influences the overall composition.

Two final shots that were not great but I will add them anyways!

overall observations

As always I had a great time out with my Linhof and it is always fun (even if somewhat time consuming) to have people come up and ask what kind of a camera, how does the sheet film work, etc. It is even cooler to have 2 large format cameras out! Whilst the lighting was not great I am still very happy with some of the shots I took. I hope you enjoyed this short post and see you next time!
