Wide angle living - Part 5: Jazz times!

This time we enjoy some good old Dixieland Jazz in a really nice club in downtown Madrid, with my Dad's band as centre stage. Join me for another episode of wide angle living - time for some Jazz! 

The last time I went to see my Dad's Jazz Band play, I got a bit carried away taking photographs, but given the amazing backdrop you couldn't blame me. It was also part of my 52 rolls of film project, Week 35 to be precise, check out that post here, what a backdrop that was!

This time, I was in a Jazz club that I had never been to before and shooting with a whole different view, the super wide perspective my Hasselblad Xpan provides. This club, "El Plaza", is a really cool, small and quite intimate venue in the centre of Madrid. However, that does not bode well with me (all 195cm of me!) obstructing people's views to take shots, so I was polite and limited myself to "from the seat" shots along with some group shots from the back. 

These were all taken during my Christmas break, and from recollection the colour shots were taken with Fuji Natura 1600, and the black and white shots are with Ilford Delta 3200. I picked these films to have a fast colour and black & white film as the venue was, well, a dark Jazz Club! My Xpan also has a maximum aperture of F4, which is really not that good for this kind of low light scenario. 

Unlike other posts, I have decided not to comment individually on these shots, as I think they sit quite nicely on their own. If viewing on a mobile device, remember to turn sideways to get the super wide angle view!

Overall observations

I was happy with quite a few of the shots considering how dark it was and shooting at F4 with no tripod is really quite tricky. However what you lose in low light ability, you gain in the super wide perspective this camera provides. I think this produces some really great perspectives in a concert or small venue. I used both the 45mm and 90mm lenses for these shots, some of which I cropped. 

Concert type shots are not really my thing though, and it is hard to compete with digital in such a low light and high movement environment. That being said, I really like how grainy some of the black & white shots are, and the colours with the Fuji Natura film came out really nicely. 

Thanks for stopping by,
