Neighbourhood walks with Ilford FP4+

I was finally able to go outside for something other than exercise, bringing along my Rolleiflex for a short photowalk armed with some Ilford FP4+. Here is what caught my eye.

After being in semi-full lockdown for a few weeks, I was delighted to go out for a walk with my Rolleiflex camera. Paired with a roll of Ilford FP4+ and adding some bright sunshine, I figured I was in for a decent photowalk. No other plan other than a very long circular walk around the neighbourhood to see what caught my attention. Here are some impressions:

A ‘through the viewfinder’ shot of a classic looking car.

The final shot.

I’m a huge fan of strong shadows.

Nothing particularly notable about this shot, but I liked the strong triangular shots and the individual bricks. I thought it could make for a strong contrasty shot. Plus, the small windows at the bottom made my laugh.

Not sure what this is, but thought it was worth a photograph! I should’ve gone for a closer shot to get more details though. Mind you a tank is a tank, whether shot from a distance of close up.

I enjoyed crouching down at different angles looking for the best shot here, I think I managed a decent composition in the end.

The Brits love their bunting.

I didn’t expose this shot properly, but surprised how much detail was captured in the bright sky. I think having the yellow filter on helped, you can see plenty of details in the clouds.

‘Through the viewfinder’ shot.

The final shot. One of my favourite shots of the roll, I love the strong contrasts.

Quite a busy scene with lots of lines and shadows. I really like how this turned out.

I don’t think Esmond garage has been open for a few decades.

Overall observations

I always enjoy a random neighbourhood walk with a medium format camera, it really makes you think about each composition carefully. Ilford FP4 film was a strong performer as expected, so overall happy with the shots, despite these being shot alongside a 35mm roll of colour Kodak film (for another post), so I was running out of inspiration by the end of the walk.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to have more posts up soon!

